How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

You may have been gifted with a lush and beautiful head of hair when pregnant.

However, your hair may begin to shed abundantly after the birth of your child. Hormonal changes cause an increase in hair loss.

So, exactly when does postpartum hair loss start, and how would you avoid it? Continue reading to find out more.

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A few months following birth, many new mums experience considerable hair loss. This is quite natural so don't be worried, it's not actual hair loss.

However, increased hair loss is the term dermatologists use to describe this problem. A drop in oestrogen levels can induce increased shedding.

The best part would be that this abnormal shedding is just temporary, and there was little you can do about it till now. 

By the very first birthday of your child, a women's hair has usually returned to its original fullness. Most women regrow hair to the original volume even earlier.


When do you start losing hair after Postpartum?

There is always an event that causes telogen effluvium—in this case, it is having a baby, but there might be other reasons.

For example, a more significant percentage of one's hair is prompted to undergo the resting/shedding stage more than usual.

Additionally, it requires 3 months for the hair to fall out; that's why most women suffer postpartum hair fall even three months after the birth.

Hair could fall out in chunks or break out all over your scalp while you comb or bathe.


What Is the Duration of Postpartum Hair Loss?

Hair loss after childbirth is a transient stage, and it is more common for hair to go to a thinning stage. However, each person's hormonal transition will be different and hair growth is different from each individual.

Do not worry if the hair becomes noticeably thinner, although there are some exclusions. Hair loss would usually rebound on its own.

The amount of time it takes to recuperate varies. Many people take three months, while others take six months. This period of hair regrowth can even sometimes last a year.


How to Avoid Hair Loss After Childbirth

Is it possible to prevent postpartum hair loss? Many probably would not be able to avoid it, but it can be managed with a nutritious diet, supplements and natural growth sprays.

Proper nutrition is vital after childbirth and can help regrow your hair thick and healthy. Do not forget to get enough proteins and iron!

However, if the hair loss appears unusual, you should consult your physician. They could do tests on you to see whether you have thyroid problems or any other health problems.



After childbirth, increased responsibilities may not give you enough time to look after yourself.
You can try the convenient Hair Folli - Hair Growth Spray, which is easy to use and they deliver direct to your door once a month.

You are not alone if you notice excess hair loss on your bed or hairs start to block the shower drain.

If you've not had a child, shedding of hair is approximately 80 hairs per day is typical, while new mothers lose around 400 hairs per day.

So about six months after delivery, hair loss should have returned to pre-pregnancy levels.

If the hair loss does not seem to be slowing, there's also a significant likelihood you are dealing with another health condition.

Because pregnancy might alter your ferritin levels and throw the thyroid off, be sure to notify your doctor if you have experienced a great deal of hair loss and request blood testing to ensure both.


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