Is Alopecia Hereditary?

Is alopecia hereditary?

Yes, heredity can be a factor. Alopecia areata is a 'genetic illness,' meaning that it is caused by a combination of genetic makeup by both parents and input from the surroundings.

Many offspring having alopecia areata, on the other hand, may not have a parent who has the condition, and the great majority of families who have the illness need not transmit it to the kids.

woman with beautiful hair

Since alopecia areata is a complicated condition with multiple genes contributing to probability, there's no method to determine the chance to pass it to future offspring correctly. Experts claim that a set of genetics may predisposition some people to develop the condition. However, a kid is highly improbable to acquire all the genetics required to risk them to the illness.

With or without the appropriate gene mix, alopecia areata is not a foregone conclusion. The concordance percentage for twins, who have most of the same DNA, is 55%. In other terms, if a twin does have the condition, the other identical has a 55% probability of gaining it too.

This suggests that, in addition to genetics, extra environmental variables are needed to cause the condition. Because of this, the twin gets alopecia areata another does not. The specific ecological elements that cause alopecia areata are currently being researched.

What factors contribute to genetic hair loss?

Hair grows and rests in a cycle.

Like your nails and skin, your hair has a highly regulated cycle of development and rest. As a result, baldness can happen at any point throughout the menstrual cycle.

You must be wondering what is pattern hair loss? It comprises of three stages:

Your head hair grows continuously in the initial stage. The anagen stage is what it is termed. The hair grows roughly 1–2cm every month during this stage. At any given time, around 90 percent of the hair is in this phase. It might last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.

The next stage is known as the catagen stage, and it is the point during which growth ceases. Approximately 1–3% of the hair growth is in this stage at any given time. It can last for two to three weeks.

The telogen stages a resting period that lasts anywhere from 1 to 4 months. Anywhere at any given moment, around 10 percent of your head hair is in this stage.

A hair passes through a losing stage after its rest period, which usually culminates in creating new hair. Whenever a hair falls out, it is followed by a system of hair from the same follicle, situated just below the surface of your skin.

Hereditary baldness affects both men and women and is triggered by genetic or hormonal factors. Since androgen hormones influence it, it also is known as androgenic alopecia. Again, this is found in both males and females, although in varying amounts.

If you have a family who has suffered from hair loss, developing genetic hair loss rises. Hair loss is influenced by your genetic code, which includes:

  • When hair loss starts and how young you are
  • How quickly do you lose hair?
  • The frequency and severity of your baldness/hair loss


Hair loss is a natural part of aging. In most cases, intervention is not required however, must one always take precautions and apply products such as hair growth spray. Hair loss that happens quickly or earlier in life, on the other hand, can be unpleasant. However, there are therapies available to help halt and reverse the process to which you need to give importance!

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